Feature Update: OTP-Based Cancellation for NDR Management

Introduction of OTP-Based Cancellation for NDR Management
NDR management is a vital part of ecommerce logistics, as it enables you to turn most of your failed deliveries into successful ones. However, a problem that we saw popping up frequently was delivery agents marking a delivery as failed because the customer rejected the order, without any mechanism to verify the same with the customer. This is the challenge that our latest feature update seeks to address.
How It Works?
Our NDR Management module enables you to track NDRs at a granular level, categorizing failed deliveries based on their respective causes. One of these causes listed in our NDR buckets is “Rejected by Customer”.
However, some delivery agents mistakenly add certain failed deliveries into this bucket despite the customer not directly stating the same to the carrier. This is both damaging to customer experience and to NPS ratings. So we’ve created a new NDR category for “OTP-Based Cancellation”.
This new NDR bucket works systematically. When a customer rejects an order, they will be sent a unique OTP. Only after presenting this OTP to the delivery agent can the respective courier agent mark the order as “Rejected by Customer”. This ensures that you will be able to identify genuine cases of customers rejecting delivery of orders.
Additionally, it enables you to track more effectively which are the disgruntled customers that you would not need an NPS rating from. Overall, your NDRs will be better tracked and customers will feel heard, directly improving your NPS score.
Looking for NDR management solution?
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